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Feng Shui is also:
Feng Shui is an ancient art, but as the modern world is evolving so fast, is Feng Shui still relevant? The modern world presents to us a vast array of complicated challenges. In the thousands of years of mankindˇ¦s development, who before has had to deal with having a mortgage, keeping a job in an uncertain world and give the kids the kind of support and guidance they need to be successful? And on top of that weˇ¦re supposed to be happy, beautiful and healthy? If the modern world is so different from the world in which Feng Shui was created, can it help you today?
ˇ@ ˇ@ ˇ@ ˇ@ Feng Shui is an ancient wisdom that has been accumulated since thousands of years ago and it is definitely not a superstition. It is a way to analyze the relationships amongst time, space and mankind. It is a way of life, not a religious. It is a science for the management of Qi (Chi, aura energy, or more scientifically, some may relate it with the electromagnetic fields) that can bring harmony to the individual, family, society and even the whole country. With good Feng Shui arrangements, one can lives in harmony and enjoy good and healthy living styles. We expect the Northeast countries such as China & Korea will continue to prosper well enough and extend their influences to the rest of the world. Hopefully during the Period 8th, there will be no more wars and people in the world will live in a more constructive & less destructive era. ˇ@ ˇ@ ˇ@
feng shui home Feng Shui is variously pronounced Foong Soy or Feng Shway, it depends what dialect of Chinese you speak! If you speak any Chinese you'll probably be aware that there are many dialects such as Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, Hokkien Chinese, Hakka and Tejiu. It is because of the varieties within the Chinese language that we get such a variety of sounds when spoken. However, what's important is not the pronunciation; it's understanding that Feng Shui works by utilising complex formula and trained eyes to work with three principal causes within your environment: |
Feng Shui is actually based on the Chinese philosophies of Yin and Yang, the negative and positive electromagnetic forces, the Five Elements and the Trigrams (Gua). Feng (meaning wind) Shui (water) principles actually originated from I-Ching (or Yi-Ching), i.e. the "Book of Changes". It describes the relationships and harmonies amongst the heavens, earth and the mankind. In the Feng Shui concepts, all the objects or energy (E) as well as the landscapes can be categorized into the Five Elements: namely Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Each of the elements has its productive and destructive effects to the other four elements. The interaction of these elements results in auspicious or inauspicious outcomes to the relevant mankind, family member and the environment.
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These are my experiences of reading Feng Shui. Also, in Amoy, a city in Fujian, lived a Mrs. Lam. She was extremely generous and always made bread to give to the poor. A monk came to her house everyday and every time would ask for six or seven of the buns. She provided the bread for him regularly for three years, without complaint or reluctance. Ba Zi Feng Shui Feng Shui Feng Shui Advice feng shui analysis feng shui bedroom feng shui consultancy feng shui consultant feng shui decorating feng shui fortune feng shui guide feng shui home decor feng shui master feng shui placement feng shui prediction feng shui suggestion feng shui tips home feng shui palmistry and ba zi palmistry and feng shui zi wei dou shu feng shui From a distance, I looked at the stall and the area of land it was on and observed some glowing beams of red light emerging from the ground, forming a red cloud over the area. This may have explained why the stall was so prosperous. Perhaps it was due to the auspicious Feng Shui of the place. The other stalls did not enjoy the same kind of customer traffic as that one stall did. They were barely surviving to make ends meet. This was indeed interesting. |
Suggestions For The Money Sector
Water feature in the front of the yard that is proportionate to your garden.
A water feature too small will symbolizing a lacking of abundance. It will
create wealth but at a much smaller pace. An oversized water feature will
bring in chi that may be too powerful for your type of home. Bring in the
abundance energy at a steady, meandering rate.
Plant Selection: Choose plants that are plentiful and look rich and vibrant.
Great colors are plants with red, purple and royal blue flowers. You want
plants that grow quickly and are aesthetically appealing. Go to the estate
homes in your neighborhoods
and see what plants they use in their garden. Stay away from plants which
are frail, difficult to grow, thorny and weeds.
Keep the garden well maintained. Use environmentally friendly fertilizers...
to give your garden an estate look. Slowly bring your garden to life each
Bring wildlife to your home and keep artificially birds, wildlife and
butterflies to a bare minimum. There are many types of plants that will
invite your choice of butterflies and wildlife to your home.
Be creative with your design and be open minded to changes throughout the
Have a variety of annual and perennials in the garden. If you only have
perennials it suggests no new, unexpected growth which can be nice surprise
in the abundance sector.
Annuals suggests new growth but nothing is constant which can be quite
nerve whacking. A steady flow of wealth is preferred.
Get rid of the plastic and invest in some nice patio furniture. If you want
wealth have it all over the garden.
A garden says a great deal to you as you pass it. An empty garden shows your
finances are limited while a garden in constant disarray shows your life is
busy and hectic. Always ask yourself what is your gardening saying to you?
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