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Home | Feng shui advice and zi wei dou shu | Feng shui tips, Ba Zi analysis and Fortune Telling | fortune telling: feng Shui Advices and ba zi analysis| feng Shui Advices and ba zi analysis| Contact Feng Shui is also: Feng Shui is an ancient art, but as the modern world is evolving so fast, is Feng Shui still relevant? The modern world presents to us a vast array of complicated challenges. In the thousands of years of mankindˇ¦s development, who before has had to deal with having a mortgage, keeping a job in an uncertain world and give the kids the kind of support and guidance they need to be successful? And on top of that weˇ¦re supposed to be happy, beautiful and healthy? If the modern world is so different from the world in which Feng Shui was created, can it help you today?





Feng Shui is an ancient wisdom that has been accumulated since thousands of years ago and it is definitely not a superstition. It is a way to analyze the relationships amongst time, space and mankind. It is a way of life, not a religious. It is a science for the management of Qi (Chi, aura energy, or more scientifically, some may relate it with the electromagnetic fields) that can bring harmony to the individual, family, society and even the whole country. With good Feng Shui arrangements, one can lives in harmony and enjoy good and healthy living styles. We expect the Northeast countries such as China & Korea will continue to prosper well enough and extend their influences to the rest of the world. Hopefully during the Period 8th, there will be no more wars and people in the world will live in a more constructive & less destructive era.




feng shui home Feng Shui is variously pronounced Foong Soy or Feng Shway, it depends what dialect of Chinese you speak! If you speak any Chinese you'll probably be aware that there are many dialects such as Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, Hokkien Chinese, Hakka and Tejiu. It is because of the varieties within the Chinese language that we get such a variety of sounds when spoken. However, what's important is not the pronunciation; it's understanding that Feng Shui works by utilising complex formula and trained eyes to work with three principal causes within your environment:

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In Chinese Feng Shui concepts, feng shui advice all the object or energy (E) as well as the landscapes can be categorized into the Five Elements: namely Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. Each of the elements has its productive and destructive effects to the other four elements. The interaction of these elements result in auspicious or inauspicious effects to the relevant mankind, feng shui bedroom family member and the environment. In Chinese thought, it has long been acknowledged that those who can master Feng Shui or recruit the help of a skilled practitioner, have the potential to grow exponentially in this lifetime. It is feng shui tips for fear that a skilled individual will topple the current ruling regime that Beijing suppresses the practice of the complete Chinese Classical systems. It may never be again that we are blessed with arts so powerful and transformative that they are referred to home feng shui advice as 'the Secrets of Heaven and Earth'. If the chance to meet with an authentic practitioner, who lucky fortune telling still holds true to the original forms and who seeks earnestly to honour their lineage, then wise be you who seizes the opportunity to learn from them. For it is true that spirits can be delivered, calamities averted palmistry fortune and fates changed, but only if one understands the true way. In fact, in its origins, feng shui was used to find suitable places for cities and residences, as well as suitable grave sites (Yin House feng shui).

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